During the SWIYA Program...
StoryWish SWIYA Kickoff
After young authors are matched 1-1 with a college student mentor, young authors and their families are invited to attend a virtual or in-person celebration to kick off the storybook writing program. Mix and mingle with other SWIYA participants and the management staff!
Mentor-Young Author Check-Ins & Surveys
At the beginning and end of the program, the young author and family will fill out a survey for feedback. After every meeting, the mentor will fill out a check-in form to ensure that all pairs are on the same page, and responses will be shared with the child life services team should any issues arise.
Mentor-Young Author Meetings
Conducted primarily over online video calling services (e.g. Zoom), this series of meetings must last at least 10 hours in total for the student mentor to teach and then work with the child to write their storybook. Meeting lengths and times are decided by the mentor and young author together according to a prior discussed, mutually agreed upon schedule.
Bonus: Fun Talks & Activities
Stay tuned throughout the program to hear about exciting events hosted by the StoryWish SWIYA Author Cohort for the local University chapter.